adb rm app

cd data/app rm apk 包 exit adb uninstall apk包的主包名 adb install -r apk包 17. 查看adb命令帮助信息: adb help 18. 在命令行中查看LOG信息: ...

相關軟體 Reboot Restore Rx 下載

Reboot Restore Rx is a unique turn on the disaster recovery solution, instead of backing up the data on a PC, it prevents any and all permanent changes that are made on the PC''s HDD. Reboot Restore R...

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  • adb shell cd data/app rm 123.apk exit adb uninstall 123.apk adb install -r 123.apk 7. 查看ad...
    几个ADB常用命令 - 威尔的日志 - 网易博客
  • adb shell rm adb shell mkdir adb shell touch adb shell pwd adb shell cp adb shell mv Netwo...
    adb shell rm - Android ADB Shell Commands Manual ...
  • adb shell cd data/app rm apk 包 exit adb uninstall apk包的主包名 adb install -r apk包 17. 查看adb命令...
    adb shell 命令详解 - OPEN 开发经验库
  • I can delete apps (that I code myself and install through the SDK) using the command adb u...
    android - how to delete an app from adb without knowing ...
  • $ adb shell #rm /system/app/app.apk On successful removal, the application would have been...
    Android ADB Setup - Texas Instruments Wiki
  • cd data/app rm apk 包 exit adb uninstall apk包的主包名 adb install -r apk包 17. 查看adb命令帮助信息: adb ...
    android adb shell 命令大全 - 土狼 - 博客园
  • Android Debug Bridge (adb) is a versatile command-line tool that lets you communicate with...
    Android Debug Bridge (adb) | Android Studio
  • rm app.apk 4. 进入设备或模拟器的Shell adb shell 通过上面的命令,就可以进入设备或模拟器的Shell环境中,在这个Linux Shell中,可以执行各种...
    Android的ADB工具使用 - Devin Zhang - 博客园
  • Here is a list of some of the adb and terminal command I have used it Android frequently. ...
    Basic adbshell commands for noobs - Android Forum for ...
  • Remote ADB Shell is a terminal app that allows you to connect to the ADB shell service of ...
    Remote ADB Shell - Android Apps on Google Play
  • adb shell cd data/app rm 123.apk exit adb uninstall 123.apk adb install -r 123.apk 7. 查看ad...
    几个ADB常用命令 - 威尔的日志 - 网易博客
  • adb shell rm adb shell mkdir adb shell touch adb shell pwd adb shell cp adb shell mv Netwo...
    adb shell rm - Android ADB Shell Commands Manual ...